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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v20200115
    901d0e97 · ruby-build 20200115 ·
    ruby-build 20200115
    * Switch 2.7.0-dev to 2.7 branch and added 2.8 definition
    * Create truffleruby-
    * Update Ruby 2.3 to OpenSSL 1.0.2u
    * Update rbx 3 to OpenSSL 1.0.2u
    * Update rbx 2 to OpenSSL 1.0.2u
    * Update Ruby 2.2 to OpenSSL 1.0.2u
    * Update Ruby 2.1 to OpenSSL 1.0.2u
    * Update Ruby 2.0.0 to OpenSSL 1.0.2u
    * Update Ruby 1.9.3 to OpenSSL 1.0.2u
    * Add TruffleRuby 19.3.1
  • v20191225
    c937a097 · ruby-build 20191225 ·
    ruby-build 20191225
    * Add Ruby 2.7.0
    * TruffleRuby: fix error message for unrecognized operating system
  • v20191223
    abaa3a5b · ruby-build 20191223 ·
    ruby-build 20191223
    * Add Ruby `2.7.0-rc1`
    * Add Ruby `2.7.0-rc2`
  • v20191205
    75e95143 · ruby-build 20191205 ·
    ruby-build 20191205
    * Add definition for Ruby `2.7.0-preview3`
  • v20191124
    a9adec33 · ruby-build 20191124 ·
    ruby-build 20191124
    * Update to OpenSSL 1.1.1d for Ruby 2.5+
      Closes #1232
    * Set default MAKE=gmake on FreeBSD again
      as an workaround for Ruby bug 16331:
      Due to this bug, build will fail with FreeBSD's make after #1368.
      The bug is already fixed in MRI upstream but GNU make is still required
      when building older releases of Ruby. Use GNU make rather than switching
      make/gmake depending of Ruby version.
      See also:
    * Add TruffleRuby 19.3.0
    * Add definition for mruby 2.1.0
    * Use the full path to the post-install hook to help debugging issues
      * See
    * Use openssl from Homebrew for TruffleRuby on macOS
      * The openssl built by ruby-build was not used by TruffleRuby,
        and causes
      * Improve error message when openssl from Homebrew is not available.
      * Change the definition code so it checks the operating system too.
  • v20191111
    7a627b31 · ruby-build 20191111 ·
    ruby-build 20191111
    * Stop automatically linking to Homebrew OpenSSL.
      This has caused all sorts of problems over time, and with the recent split of OpenSSL v1.1 vs. v1.0 in Homebrew, it has become more complex for individual build definitions to correctly pick the compatible version of OpenSSL.
      You can preserve the old behavior by linking to Homebrew's openssl explicitly:
      brew install openssl@1.1
      RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS=--with-openssl-dir=`brew --prefix openssl@1.1` ruby-build ...
      Note: use `openssl@1.0` for Ruby version that need it (typically pre-2.4).
  • v20191105
    9383de3f · ruby-build 20191105 ·
    ruby-build 20191105
    * Have `rbenv install --list` output match `ruby-build --definitions`
    * Detect `--strip` level when applying `diff -ru a b` (non-git) patches
    * Ensure missing curl/wget/aria2c error message is shown on stderr
    * Include header files with mruby
    * Use `mktemp` to securely initialize the build directory
  • v20191102
    f6e8dc1e · ruby-build 20191102 ·
    ruby-build 20191102
    * Add `jruby-`
    * Require Java 8+ for JRuby 9.2+
  • v20191031
    e4904cd4 · ruby-build 20191031 ·
    ruby-build 20191031
    * Allow group-writeable Ruby installs #1370
      There used to be a post-install step that does `chmod go-w` under the
      install prefix, but this interfered with people's desired setups.
      The original `chmod` was added to appease Bundler, which can emit
      warnings about world-writeable directories. If this comes back, please
      let us know.
  • v20191030
    1fe53fac · ruby-build 20191030 ·
    ruby-build 20191030
    * Turn on `--enable-shared` by default for all supported MRI Rubies.
      Some gems need the host ruby to have shared library enabled. Currently, we're not aware of any potential downsides to having this enabled by default.
  • v20191024
    1a902f39 · ruby-build 20191024 ·
    ruby-build 20191024
    * Add Ruby `2.7.0-preview2`
  • v20191004
    da8e0b41 · Bump version to v20191004 ·
  • v20191002
    041dca7a · bump version to v20191002 ·
  • v20190828
    5db61ace · Bump version to v20190828 ·
  • v20190615
  • v20190423
    ca85eba8 · 20190423 ·
  • v20190401
    e7ca4c84 · Bump up to 20190401. ·
  • v20190320
    34894ad5 · Bump version to v20190320 ·
  • v20190314
    2ecfe4d4 · bump version to v20190314 ·
  • v20190130
    7205ae47 · Bump version to 20190130 ·